Monday, 10-14-19
Back Squat
Build to a 3 rep max in 15 minutes
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps for time:
DB Thrusters 53/35
Burpees to plate
Back Squat
Build to a 3 rep max in 15 minutes
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps for time:
DB Thrusters 53/35
Burpees to plate
We will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary…COWFISH Saturday night @ 7PM. Strength: Bent Over Rows 5×5 Bulgarian Split Squats 4×6 each leg Death by.. 6 KB Snatch 45/30 6 Box Jump Over 24/20 6 Goblet Squats 45/30 RX 6 reps, RX- 5 reps
PLEASE BRING AN EXTRA PAIR OF WORKOUT SHOES IF POSSIBLE TO KEEP FLOORS CLEAN AND DRY. THANK YOU. WOD 155 lbs Power Clean 15 reps 30 ring dips 155 lbs Power clean 12 reps 24 ring dips 155 lbs Power Clean 9 reps 18 ring dips 155 lbs power Clean 6 reps 12 ring dips…
12 min to complete 3×8 DB Hammer Curl (superset by 20 banded curls) 3×15 banded tricep pull down 3 sets of 21’s (increasing weight) 3×10 french press (superset by 20 bench dips) 4 RFT 400m Run 30 Wall Balls 20/14 *18 min Cap*
Skills 15 min Handstand walk practice WOD 25 Min EMOM Min 1- 65% of 1 RM Sq. Snatch Min 2- 70% Min 3- 75% Min 4- 80% Min 5- 85%
We all know classes start on the hour. Please try to be punctual. Unfortunately tardiness is contagious, as is punctuality. Thank you. Starting MONDAY 6-25-12, THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 5AM CLASSES. ALL TUESDAY / THURSDAY AM CLASSES ARE NOW 6AM & 7AM Strength/Skill – Snatch High Pull – 3×3 Snatch Balance – 3×3 For…
15 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Snatch. -then- 3 rounds for time of: 30 KB Snatch + OH Lunge 24/16kg (15L/15R) 40 Double-Unders