Monday, 10-17-16
Front Squat reps/Back Squat reps, do this at %’s of your front squat
65% x 4/7, 75x 4/7, 80% 4/5, 85% 4/5
Reps 12-10-8-6-4-2
Deadlift 225/185
Bar Muscle Up
200m run after each set
Front Squat reps/Back Squat reps, do this at %’s of your front squat
65% x 4/7, 75x 4/7, 80% 4/5, 85% 4/5
Reps 12-10-8-6-4-2
Deadlift 225/185
Bar Muscle Up
200m run after each set
Strength/Skill – Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 25-20-15 Power snatch 95/65 Ring dips
Come see Kelly D’s Radio Blue Band. They will be performing 7:30 – 10:30 P.M., Wednesday, August 24th @ Bobbique, 70 West main St., Patchougue. They will also be performing Friday, 7:00 – 11:00P.M.@ the Eastport Luncheonette, 497 Montauk Hgwy., Eastport. Chipper – For Time: 100 – Double Unders 30 – Wall Ball 20/14 20…
“Aerobic athlete vs. Anaerobic athlete (Like….CrossFit!!)” SO GET OFF THE SHI*#ER AND BECOME A CROSSFITTER!!!! W.O.D. 5 Rounds for time: 7 Deadlifts Sprint to other side of gym 10 Ring assisted pistols 21 Double unders Sprint back
-6,7, & 8 A.M. CLASSES ON LABOR DAY 9-3-12. NO EVENING CLASSES. -TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SCHEDULE CHANGE AS OF 9-5-12 (THURSDAY) 5 A.M. & 6 A.M. ONLY. THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 7 A.M.’S 15 minutes to practice or test a Tall Snatch. DEMO VIDEO 1 minute AMRAP of Jerks @ 185/120# -then (no break)-…
1 mile run for time!!!! For 4 min perform….. every 15 sec 3 Push Presses For 4 min…every 15 sec 3 Hang Power Cleans For 4 min ….every 15 sec 3 Front Squats DO NOT DROP OR RACK! Pick weights that are challenging without losing form!!!
Strict Press: 5X3 @ 70% “Cindy” Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats