Saturday, 11-24-18
Christmas party is Dec 15. $20.00 pp
For time –
3 Rope Climb 3:1
75 Wall Ball 20/14
3 Rope Climb
75 Deadlifts 135/95
3 Rope Climbs
75 Medball Clean 20/14
3 Rope Climbs
Christmas party is Dec 15. $20.00 pp
For time –
3 Rope Climb 3:1
75 Wall Ball 20/14
3 Rope Climb
75 Deadlifts 135/95
3 Rope Climbs
75 Medball Clean 20/14
3 Rope Climbs
Reminder: Christmas party is December 12th, please sign up if you’re coming! 5 RFT 30 wall balls 20/14 5 squat snatches Front squats 5@70% 5@75% 4@80% 3@85% 5@75%
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-ups (Cindy) Pistols (Mary) “Cindy” 20 min. A.M.R.A.P. 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats or….Cindy’s evil twin sister…… “Mary” 20 min. A.M.R.A.P. 5 H.S.P.U.’s 10 Pistols 15 Pull-ups
For Time 20 Sit-ups 20 Box jump 20 Push-ups 20 Squat Clean 20 Double-unders 20 Thrusters 20 Pull-ups 20 Overhead squats 20 Kettlebell swings 20 Push press 20 Dips 20 Burpees 20 Back squat 20 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups 20 Walking lunge steps 20 Deadlift 20 Toes to Bar 20 Front squat 1 barbell per athlete Rx…
Skill – Sumo Deadlift – 1-1-1-1-1…HEAVY SINGLE NO ONE REP MAXES, IT IS NEW FOR US Advantages in using the Sumo over the conventional style of deadlift. 1. Greater range of knee extension at the bottom of the lift. 2. A more upright posture. 3. The distance the weight must be moved is greatly reduced….
“Abbate” For time: 1 Mile run 21 Clean and Jerks 155/105 800m run 21 Clean and Jerks 1 Mile run
Strength: Snatches (squat) 3@60% 3@65% 2@70% 2@75% 2@80% *not TnG, reset every rep* 16 Min AMRAP 3 Rope Climb 5 Thrusters 135/95 7 Power Cleans 135/95 15 Cal Row