Saturday, 11-25-17
For time:
100m Row
2- Burpee
3- DB Thruster 45/30
4- DB Power Clean
5- KBS 70/53
6- Pull up
7- DB Step Up
8- Sit Up
9- Hollow Rock
10- V-Up
11- Pistols
12- Man Makers 45/30
(Like 12 days of Christmas)
For time:
100m Row
2- Burpee
3- DB Thruster 45/30
4- DB Power Clean
5- KBS 70/53
6- Pull up
7- DB Step Up
8- Sit Up
9- Hollow Rock
10- V-Up
11- Pistols
12- Man Makers 45/30
(Like 12 days of Christmas)
WE ARE GOING TO RUN OUTSIDE. PLEASE BRING APPROPRIATE ATTIRE. W.O.D: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 800 m Run Front Squat (95/65) (85/55), Ring Dips/Ring Push-Ups/Game Style Push-up 800m Run.
Running clock for 33 min 0-00:9:00 40 D/U 10 DB Snatch 50/35 4 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 9:00 – 12:00 rest 12:00 – 21:00 20 Wall Ball 20/14 5 M/U (5 Pull Up + 5 Dip) 21:00 – 24:00 rest 24:00 – 33:00 12 DB Deadlifts 50/35 10 DB Thruster 50/35 6 Weighted Walking…
Closed for Thanksgiving. 9AM class Friday. No PM classes. 14 min EMOM odd 3 Bench Press @ 70% even 10 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 Helen 3RFT 400m Run 21 KB Swings 53/35 12 Pull Ups
Warm up: 2 RDs at easy pace 100m Run 10 BB Deadlifts 10 Reverse Hypers 5 Push Ups Partner Double “Ralph” 4RFT 16 Deadlifts 250/170 32 Burpees to Plate 25/15 6 Rope Climbs 1200m Run *40 min Cap* British Army Second Lieutenant Ralph Johnson, 24, of South Africa, assigned to the Household Cavalry Regiment, based…
Strength – Weighted Push-up 21-15-9 Power Clean &Jerk 135/95 Wall Ball 20/14 200m Sandbag Run
Strength: Power Clean and Jerk Work up to a heavy triple. For time: 500m row Immediately into… 9-15-21 reps of: Squat Clean 135/95 Chest-to-bar Pull-up Wall Balls 20/14