Saturday, 11-29-15
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
“The Seven” 7 RFT 7 HSPU 2:1 7 Thrusters 135/95 7 K2E 7 Deadlifts 245/165 7 Burpees 7 KBS 70/53 7 Pull-Ups *35 min Cap*
Warm up: 3 RDs 200m Run 25 D/U 10 Push Up 30 Min to complete 4×8 RDL w/1DB (each leg) 4×12 Glute Bridges (two legs) 4×6 Tall Box Jumps with step down 4x 6 Bulgarian Split Squats w/weight (each leg) 5 Plank Circles 8 min AMRAP 50 D/U 25 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Weighted Sit-Ups…
BOX RULES Be early. If you’re not early, you’re late. Give yourself enough time to change, and start a warm-up before class. Those of you with smaller bladders may also want to reserve some time for a bathroom trip. Most likely that means showing up at least 10 minutes prior to class. KIDS. We love…
Murph: Spots for the 9:30 heat still open. Make sure to sign up for the BBQ! Warm up: 2rd at an easy pace 200′ Lateral side step :30 Wall Squat Hold 10 Air Squats Calf Stretches 15 min to establish Back Squat 1RM For time- 3RDS 50′ HS Walk (100′ Bear Crawl) 5 Sq….
Strength – Push Press 3 x 1 W.O.D For time: 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 20 Box Jumps, 24″ box 20 Toes to Bar 80 m Overhead Walking Lunge , 45 / 35 lbs plate. 20 Toes to Bar 20 Box Jumps, 24″ box 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
5 min.A.M.R.A.P. 4 Manmakers 45/25 8 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 Strength/Skill – 15 mins to find 1 RM Front Squat 5 min.A.M.R.A.P. 5 Burpees (plate) 10 Push Presses 95/65