Saturday, 11-4-17
Team of 3 Murph
1 Mile Run
20 Alternating rds of
5 Pull up
10 Push Up
15 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
*all 3 run together*
Team of 3 Murph
1 Mile Run
20 Alternating rds of
5 Pull up
10 Push Up
15 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
*all 3 run together*
30 Min EMOM 1- 12 SDHP 95/65 2- 12 Push Press 95/65 3- 15 Sit Up 4-12 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 5- 12 Hollow Rocks
Strength/Skill – Oly Day Snatch – Find a heavy single; 85% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 Clean & Jerk – Find a heavy single; 85% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 Front Squat -Find a heavy single HS; 90% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 …….Then 3 R.F.T….
For time: 1-10 Power C&J 115/85 1 Rd of “Nate” between sets Nate = 2 Ring M/U (4 Pull up & 4 Dips) 4 HSPU 8 KBS 70/53 *30 min Cap*
Strength/Skill – “Angie” 100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 100 Sit-ups 100 Squats Each exercise must be completed before moving to the next. 30 MINUTE TIME CAP
15 min AMRAP 100 D/U 3:1 80 Sit up 60 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 40 T2B 20 Devil Press 50/35 Skill Work (HSPU, HS Walk, Rope, D/U…)
Strength – Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D. – For Time: Max unbroken reps, G2O (ground to overhead) 50% of body weight… then with in one minute: 10 R.F.T. – 3 H.S.P.U.’s / 6 negatives 6 S.D.H.P.- 75/55 9 SQUATS ….. then with in one minute…. Max unbroken reps, G2O (ground to overhead) 50% of body weight…