Thursday, 9-13-18
30 Min EMOM
1- 12 SDHP 95/65
2- 12 Push Press 95/65
3- 15 Sit Up
4-12 Med Ball Cleans 20/14
5- 12 Hollow Rocks
30 Min EMOM
1- 12 SDHP 95/65
2- 12 Push Press 95/65
3- 15 Sit Up
4-12 Med Ball Cleans 20/14
5- 12 Hollow Rocks
For time: 1000m Row 5 Rope Climbs 800m Run 4 Rope Climbs 60 GHD sit-ups 3 Rope Climbs 40 Wall Balls 20/14 2 Rope Climbs 20 Burpees over the bar 1 Rope Climb
15 min to complete: 4×8 Heavy Bent Over Rows 4×8 Bent over DB Row 4×15 Banded face pulls 4 x 10 Seated Banded lat pull down 5 Rrds for reps (19 min): 1 min Hollow Rock 1 min AAB Cal 1 min D/U 1 min Rest
10 min EMOM 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 3 RFT 20/15 Calorie Row 18 Wall balls 20/14 16 Alt DB Snatches 50/35 14 Lat Burpees over DB *22 min Cap*
For time- 100 Wall Balls 20/14 80 Sit up 60 Weighted Walking Lunges 45/30 40 DB Snatches 45/30 20 Man Makers 45/30
Strength/Skill – Bench Press 5-4-3-2-1 I LOVE BURPEES!! 10 burpees 10 burpees jump over the box 24/20 10 burpee pull-ups 10 burpee wall balls 20/14 10 wall walk burpees 10 burpee broad jumps 10 db burpee thrusters 25/35 10 pistol burpees (these were to be bastard burpees but the tires were too wet) 10 burpee…
Amanda and Katie rocketing out of the Squat Clean!!!! Annie blasting her Squat Cleans!!!!! Team W.O.D.-With partner, perform the following 100 – KB Swings 100 – Pull-ups 100 – Thrusters 45/30 (bar) 100 – K2E One partner performs ten burpees, while the other completes above tasks.