Saturday, 12-27-14
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time:
Deadlifts (185/133)
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Begin each round with a 50 M Bear Crawl
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time:
Deadlifts (185/133)
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Begin each round with a 50 M Bear Crawl
July 4th regular morning classes only No afternoon classes. F Strength/Skill – Deadlift – 10 Rep Max 5 R.F.T. 10 Goblet Squats (Plate 45/25) 10 Seated Twists (Plate 45/25) 10 Front Lateral Rises (Plate 45/25) 10 Burpees (On Plate) Plate cannot leave hands until burpees!! 5 Burpee Penalty if so!!!!!!!!!!!
Strength/Skill – Work up to a heavy clean and jerk for the day “Eliminator” 6 rounds of: 1 minute of Jumping Squats (barbell only) Please do not drop empty barbell on floor 1 minute of Burpees 1 minute of Double-Unders 1 minute of Hand Release Push-Ups 1 minute rest
Strength: Every 90 sec for 7 sets 3 Front Squats Sets 1-3 @ 65-75% Sets 4-7 @ 80-85% of 1RM 16 min AMRAP 30 Cal Row 20 Box Jump Overs 24/20 10 Push presses 135/95 5 M/U (scale 10 Pull ups and 10 Dips)
Strength: 6X3 OHS Work up to a heavy triple. 3 rounds for time: Run 400 meters 12 Power Snatch (155/105) 21 GHD Situps/ Weighted Sit Ups 35/25
In teams of 3: Row 6000 meters Switch every 250 meters Row as fast as possible Partner 1 Rows Partner 2 Planks Partner 3 Holds Plate Overhead 45/25 SKILLZ
Strength/Skill – Snatch High Pulls. I understand this week was a lot snatch and snatching assistance exercises. This is a very technical movement as you know. For improvement to take place this is necessary. 12min A.M.R.A.P. 25 D/U’s 10 hang power snatches (95/65) 10 ohs (95/65)