Saturday, 2-29-20
3 Rds each, then rest
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Push Ups
rest 2 minutes
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Wall Balls
rest 2 minutes
30/24 Calorie Row
50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Right Arm
50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Left Arm
3 Rds each, then rest
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Push Ups
rest 2 minutes
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Wall Balls
rest 2 minutes
30/24 Calorie Row
50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Right Arm
50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Left Arm
Strength/Skill – Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3 TnG “Christine” Three rounds for time: Row 500m 12 Deadlifts, bodyweight 21 Box jumps, 20″
Saturday, May 19th’s WOD is the Stan Wong 5K. Meeting place is Newport Beach. Strength/Skill -Hang Snatch 3-3-3 Snatch 1-1-1 21,15,9 rep rounds for time: Snatch – 80% of 1 RM Chin ups COVP (Chin over vertical plane)
Strength/Skill – A1.) Back Squat – 3 X 10 @ 65% A2.) 3 X 10 Strict Toes to Bar A3.) 3 X 10 Ring Rows WOD 10 min AMRAP Ascending Ladder 1 Shoulder to Overhead 1 KB Swings 1 Box Jumps 2 Shoulder to Overhead 2 KB Swings 2 Box Jumps, etc. Rest 30 seconds…
Strength: EMOM for 5 min 5X3 Power Cleans @75% For time: 70 Burpees 60 Sit-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods 40 Pull-ups 30 Ring push-ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpee Weighted Sit-up 45/25 *Begin each round w/100m run* Snatch 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 2RM
Strength/Skill – Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 Then every minute on the minute for 10 Minutes 1 Snatch + 1 OHS at 75% of heaviest 2 rep snatch…… 400m run