Saturday, 2/26/2011
Skill – Snatch
W.O.D. – “RANDY”
75 Power snatches for time. 75/55
Normal Hours 8AM 9AM 10AM
Skill – Snatch
W.O.D. – “RANDY”
75 Power snatches for time. 75/55
Normal Hours 8AM 9AM 10AM
Killer Katie B. gets her first handstand!!!!!!!!! Strength/Skill – Box Squats 21-18-15-12-9 Air Squats K.B. Swings 53/35 Push-ups (Hand Release)
Sunday hours changing to 1 class, 9AM only. Starting this weekend. Monday Labor day: 8&9 AM. and regular PM classes. Monday and Wednesday, we will be starting 5AM classes…Open GYM! 5AM classes start September 9th. Strength : Snatch Build to a heavy single WOD: For time- 15 Burpees Run 200 meters with a 20/14 pound…
Strength/Skill – Hang Clean Pulls 3-3-3-3 75% of Power Clean Hang Power Clean 2-2-2-2 75% of P.C. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: ODD Minute: 3 Dips (weighted) 5 Toes-to-bar EVEN Minute: 2 Bear Complex (75#/115#) Bear Complex = Power clean + Front squat + Push press + Back squat + Push press
Strength: Power Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk x 6 start @ 60% of Push Press and build to heavy single 27-21-15-9 Cluster 75/55 Bar Hop 200m Run After each rd.
DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR MURPH AND THE BBQ!!! Strength: Every 90 sec complete: 1 Clean + 1 Front squat + 1 Jerk Starting at 50%, adding 10 lbs every 90 sec until Failure 15 Min AMRAP: Buy In 1000m Row 3 Power Snatch 135/95 6 Front Rack Lunges 135/95 9 Inverted…
NO 5AM CLASS TODAY!!! Bowling this Saturday night 7pm @ All Star in Riverhead, let me know who’s coming. Need a headcount. Strength: 5min EMOM 3 Strict Presses- same weight across 5min EMOM 3 Push Presses- same weight across 5min EMOM 3 Push Jerks- same weight across 21-15-9 OHS 135/95 C2B Pull Ups 400m…