Saturday, 4-21-18
12 KBS 70/53
3 Rope Climb
12 T2B
6 Thruster 115/85
12 KBS 70/53
3 Rope Climb
12 T2B
6 Thruster 115/85
Strength/Skill – Strict Press 5 x 2. go heavy WOD c/o CrossFit.Com June 2009 Painstorm (courtesy of Davie at CrossFit Central Scotland): Time cap (35 Minutes) 21-15-9 Reps of: Thrusters 95/65 Pull-Ups Power Cleans 95/65 Ring Dips Dead Lifts 95/65 HSPUs
6 min EMOM 3 Hang Power Clean + 2 Power Cleans + 1 Clean @ 70-80% 4 Rounds: 1 min- Ring Push ups 1 min- Deadlifts 135/95 “Fran” 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pull up After WOD’s are your time for skill work on “open” skills you need to personally work on (d/u’s, c2b pull ups, t2b,…
-6,7, & 8 A.M. CLASSES ON LABOR DAY 9-3-12. NO EVENING CLASSES. -TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SCHEDULE CHANGE AS OF 9-5-12 (THURSDAY) 5 A.M. & 6 A.M. ONLY. THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 7 A.M.’S Snatch Grip Deadlift HS AMRAP – 2 Minutes Athletes will spend two minutes at each couplet. The rep scheme will always…
Strength: 5min EMOM 3 Back Squats @ 75% 5min EMOM 5 Back Squats @ 65% 5min EMOM 10 Back Squats FAST 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: T2B Clean and jerk 135/95 Push-up
CROSSFIT GAMES ARE ON TONIGHT, ESPN 2 8:00- 10:00 Check this guy out…He says YA BA DABA DOOO When the bar goes overhead!! Skill/Strength – Power Snatch 5-5-5-5 15-12-9-6-3 Snatch 95/65 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Round 50 Back Squat – 93/135 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 93/135 50 Front Squat – 63/95 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 63/95 50 Overhead Squat – 45/75 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 45/75 *Girls doing this WoD Rx’d will set up 5′s on the inside, then 10′s, then 15′s on the outside. Men…