Saturday, 5-18-19
2 RFT-
400m Farmers Carry 40/25
75 2-KB Deadlifts 40/25
50 2-KB Front Squats 40/25
25 2-KB Thrusters 40/25
2 RFT-
400m Farmers Carry 40/25
75 2-KB Deadlifts 40/25
50 2-KB Front Squats 40/25
25 2-KB Thrusters 40/25
8 and 9 am classes only today!!! For Time, with a Partner – 40 Power Cleans (135, 95) – 50 Box Jump Overs – 60 Shoulder to Overhead (135, 95) – 70 Burpees to a Plate – 80 Power Snatches (75, 55) Buyout – Accumulate 1500 M Row while partner holds plate overhead
7PM Classes start tonight. Warm up: 3RDs at easy pace 1 min wall sit hold 10 Jumping Squats 30 D/U E2MOM for 16 min 4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM 13min AMRAP 30 KBS 53/35 15 HSPU 30 T2B 15 HSPU
Strength: E2MOM for 20 min 5 Back Squats *start @ 60% and build 12 min AMRAP 6 Bar Muscle Ups ( 8 Pull Ups + 12 Dips) 10 OHS 115/85 14 Wall Balls 20/14
Strength- Push Press 5-5-5-5 W.O.D. -5 R.F.T. – 22 Box Jumps On & Off 20″/18″ 11 Push Presses 95 /65 1 Rope Ascent PEANUT BUTTER It’s not the ingredients in the peanut butter we don’t like, it’s the peanuts themselves.When peanuts grow, they can harbor carcinogenic mold called an “aflatoxin“. This goes for conventional and…
NO 5 OR 6 PM CLASSES – FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 2012 Strength/Skill – Power Clean Four rounds of: 135/95 pound Power clean, 5 reps 135/95 pound Front squat, 10 reps 135/95 pound Jerk, 5 reps Bar Facing Burpees, 10 reps Rest 90 seconds between each round
Join us on Saturday, Oct. 17th, for a Snatch Seminar at Crossfit Kryptonite !! Work with USAW certitfied coaches, JP Nicoletta and Vanessa Nicoletta. $40.00 covers 3 hours of hands on coaching, beginner and advanced lifters are welcome!! Must sign up in advance. WOD: 3 Min AMRAP- 4 KBS 70/53 7 Burpee to plate 5…