Saturday, 8-21-19
Partner WOD
5 Rds each
25 DB Snatches 55/35
25 SDHP 75/55
25 Reverse Lunges
25 Push Ups
15/12 AAB
Partner 1 does 25 snatches then partner 2 does 25 snatches….
Partner WOD
5 Rds each
25 DB Snatches 55/35
25 SDHP 75/55
25 Reverse Lunges
25 Push Ups
15/12 AAB
Partner 1 does 25 snatches then partner 2 does 25 snatches….
Christmas Eve Hours: 6,7,& 8AM. No PM Classes. Closed Christmas Day. 5 RFT 5 hspu 10 PC 135/95 15 burpee 20 kbs 53/35 25 wall ball Rest 3 min between rds
Strength/Skill – Snatch pull, Hang snatch (below the knee), Snatch balance x 5 For time: 60 Dumbbell snatch 70/45 50 Pistols 40 Burpee Box Overs
32 Min EMOM- Min 1: 10 Wall Balls 20/14 Min 2: 5 Sq. Cleans (you choose weight) Min 3: 10 Burpee Min 4: 20/15 Cal Row 10 Min Handstand Work
Strength Skill – Hang Snatch Pull 75%x2x3 Snatch Balance 75%x2x2x2 5 R.F.T. 5 TnG (to knee) Hang Snatches 95/65 Scale as needed 15 Sec. C2B Flexed Arm Hang (Pronated/Supinated Grip) 5 Man Makers 45/25
Warm Up: 3rds at easy pace 10 Air Squats 30 d/u 1 min medball belly march 20/14 E2MOM for 14 min 10 Back Squats @50-60% 1RM 6 RFT: 16 t2b 8 HSPU 4 Thruster 115/85 *22 min CAP*
Warm up: 2 rds at easy pace 10 lat steps to left 10 lat steps to right 10 BB back squats 7 supinated ring rows E2MOM for 12 min 3 Box Squats *work on exploding up from the box, not so much as the weight today* For Time: 1 Round of Kelly 2 Rounds of…