Saturday, 9-2-17
Monday…..8 and 9AM Classes only!!!!
Hang Sq. Clean thruster 95/65
Burpee Box Jump Over 24″/20″
*200 m run between sets*
30 min CAP
Monday…..8 and 9AM Classes only!!!!
Hang Sq. Clean thruster 95/65
Burpee Box Jump Over 24″/20″
*200 m run between sets*
30 min CAP
Warm up: 2RDs at east pace 10 BB Good Mornings 10 Glute Bridges 10 Reverse Hypers 10 Banded Hamstring Curls 15 min to complete 10 Deadlifts @ 70% 8 @ 75% 6 @ 75% 6 @ 80% 4 @85% 10 @75% Granite Games Quaifer #2 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Wall Ball 20/14 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 T2B ( Hanging Knee Raises)…
No Classes Saturday. We will be doing the Stan Wong 5K in E. Moriches. 7X1 3-Position Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. *Notes: Position #1 is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. Position #2 is the traditional hang (just above the knee), and position #3 is the hi-hang (mid-way down the thigh….
Strength/Skill: 10 min EMOM 4 Power cleans @ 70% of 1RM 6RFT 400m run 3 Snatches 165/115 15 Push Ups
S.D.H.P; 4 reps on the min for 10 min @65%-80% 1rm + 5 sets @100% that means like an animal!!! 20 kbs 2/1.5 pood 60 double unders rest 3 min b/t sets 3 mins rest b/t sets means balls to the wall!!!!!!!!!!
Strength: 3X5 Clean High Pulls 3X5 Hang Power Cleans 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KETTLE BELL SWINGS 53/35 HANG POWER CLEANS 135/95 WEIGHTED SIT UPS 53/35
Srtength/Skill – Back engagement (Important in kipping, T2B, K2E) W.O.D. – 21-15-9 S.D.H.P 95/65 O.H.S. 95/65 BOX JUMPS 24/20 WATCH THIS!!!!!!!