Saturday, December 4th 2010
Come in and get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come in and get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank wins the CrossFit Total with 940 lbs.!!!! Strength/Skill – Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-3-3-2 15 min AMRAP 5 – Power Cleans 135/95 10 – Pistols 15 – Double Unders
15 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Snatch. -then- 3 rounds for time of: 30 KB Snatch + OH Lunge 24/16kg (15L/15R) 40 Double-Unders
July 4th: 9AM class only…partner WOD Power Clean and Jerk 60%x3+1, 65%x3+1, 70%x2+1, 75%x2+1 x4sets (60%x3+1 = 3 cleans 1 jerk) 21-15-9 Power Snatch 75/45 DB Thruster 40/20 Ring Push Up
Strength/Skill – Rope climb Five rounds for time: 15 Deadlifts, body weight 2 Rope climbs
“Eva” 5 R.F.T. Run 800m 30 KB Swings 70/53…..DAM!!!! 30 Pull-ups
Justin 30-20-10 reps for time of: Body-weight back squats Body-weight bench presses Strict pull-ups U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin M. Hansen, 26, of Traverse City, Michigan–assigned to the 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina–died July 24, 2012, in Badghis Province, Afghanistan, while conducting combat operations. He is survived by his…