Thursday, 3-21-13
Strength/Skill – 3 Position Clean – High Hang – Mid Thigh- Floor 5-5-5-5-5
WOD: 50-40-30-20-10
Over Head Plate Lunge (45/25)
KB Swing (55/35)
Strength/Skill – 3 Position Clean – High Hang – Mid Thigh- Floor 5-5-5-5-5
WOD: 50-40-30-20-10
Over Head Plate Lunge (45/25)
KB Swing (55/35)
Weightlifting 20 min to complete: 4×8 Single Arm Bent Over Row 6×5 Strict Pull Ups (weighted if wanted)* If you do not have strict pull ups, do :30 hang off the bar* 4×8 Ring Dip (weighed if wanted) *if you do not have ring dips, do :30 support holds on rings* 4×12 Banded tricep pull…
Strength/Skill – Bar Muscle-ups 5 Round for time: 5 Hang squat clean (65% of 1RM HSC) 8 Box jumps (30/24) 100 m Sprint…. Balls to the Wall…Jaw to the Flaw (Floor – NY Accent) Rest 1 minute between rounds.
“CrossFit Total” Back squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep Click here to read about the CrossFit Total
Strength/Skill – 3-Position Halting Snatch Deadlift x 5 For this exercise, you will employ a 1-2 second pause at three separate points: (1) 2″ off the floor; (2) the knees; and (3) mid-thigh. The purpose is to pause and hold your IDEAL position at each of these points. Keep your lats tight and pay attention…
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5AM classes this week!!! Strength: 3 Clean Grip High Hang Shrugs + 2 Clean Grip Hang High Pulls + 1 Power Clean Work up to a heavy complex. Hands do not leave bar 15 min AMRAP 9 Power Cleans 155/115 6 Burpees Increase burpees by 2 every…
Strength: EMOM for 5 min 5X3 Power Cleans @75% For time: 70 Burpees 60 Sit-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods 40 Pull-ups 30 Ring push-ups