Thursday, 3-21-19
Every 1:30 for 21 min
25/20 Cal Row
* 2 min rest after each row*
20 min to complete
4×10 Bicep Curl superset with 20 banded curls
4×15 Tricep Pull Down
4 sets of BB 21’s
4x 10 French Press
Every 1:30 for 21 min
25/20 Cal Row
* 2 min rest after each row*
20 min to complete
4×10 Bicep Curl superset with 20 banded curls
4×15 Tricep Pull Down
4 sets of BB 21’s
4x 10 French Press
Strength/Skill – Hmmmm….Squat Clean Thruster?????? “Painstorm” Courtesy of CrossFit Northeast England: AMRAP 30min: 3 squat clean to overhead, 135lb 6 knees to elbows 100m sprint (50m out, 50m back) Fire Hydrant and Back Rest 45 secs 30 minute cap includes rest and work time
9AM CLASS TODAY!!!! Strength: Weighted Pull Ups 6X3 Five rounds for time: 20 Toes to bar 15 Walk out walk in Push Ups 10 Back squats 135/95
There are no longer 6 PM Tuesday classes. CrossFit Kids are the house!!!! Strength/Skill: Squat Clean Thruster- find your 3RM (Mark in your folders) 4 rounds for total working time of: 7 C2B Pull-ups 7 Ring Dips 15 KBS 32/24kg (53/35 50 Double-Unders Rest 1:1 (whatever your time is per round, you rest that amount…
12 E2MOM 4 Tempo Deadlifts Tempo= Stand, pause at top 2 seconds, down 5 seconds, no pause at bottom. For time: 10 rds of C2B “Cindy” ..then… 50/35 Cal Row 30 Deadlifts 250/175 *18 min Cap*
Strength/Skill – Deadlift – Find your 3 RM (Hands do not leave bar) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Floor Press 135/95 Power Clean 135/95
Skill – Hang power clean WOD 4 R.F.T. 7 hang power cleans 155/105 14 reverse sit ups 21 Wall balls 20/14 28 Double unders