Thursday, 3-31-16
Strength: 10 min EMOM
Power Cleans 3 @ 70-80%
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. Alternate between:
20/15 Calorie row
15 Overhead squats 95#/65#
9 Burpees
Strength: 10 min EMOM
Power Cleans 3 @ 70-80%
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. Alternate between:
20/15 Calorie row
15 Overhead squats 95#/65#
9 Burpees
Strength/Skill – Deadlift 3×5 12 min AMRAP: 1 Kettlebell Clean 1 Goblet Squat 10 Mountain Climbers 2 KB Cleans 2 Goblet Squat 10 Mountain Climbers3, 3, 10…
Please make note of change for Saturday’s hours: We will only have an 8AM class, as we will be running the 5K Stan Wong Race in East Moriches. Anyone wanting to run/walk, please register @, and let us know. We will provide you with a free Crossfit T-shirt to wear!! Skill – Kipping W.O.D. – 3 R.F.T. 400m…
W/U – 3 rounds 10 – Squat thrusts 15′ – Bear Crawl 20 – Hollow Rocks Hollow Rocks Demo….. Skill – Handstand holds 5 x 30 Applying Hollow Rocks to Handstands…Handstand Technique W.O.D. “Jumping Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull-ups (Don’t worry, you will be stronger from Monday’s weighted P/U’s) Double Unders
10 Min EMOM3 Front Squats @ 70% Partner Wod 50-40-30-20-10DB Thrusters 50/35Burpee Pullups
Christmas Party is Dec 16th. please sign up at the front desk. 10 Min EMOM: Even-12 KBS 70/53 ODD-12 Hollow Rocks + 5 Supermans 20 min AMRAP: 50 WB (20/14) 50 DU 40 Box Jump (24/20) 40 TTB 30 CTB PU 30 Bar-Facing Burpees 20 Power Cleans (145/100) 20 Jerks (145/100) 10 Power Snatches (145/100)…
Due to Lack of attendance, I will be canceling the 7PM classes Monday and Wednesday. “Dodgeball” Partner WOD 4RFT each 10 Alt. Pistols 10 HSPU 10 Power Cleans 10 Cal Row 1 person works at a time. Each person has to do 20 Burpees for final time.