Tuesday, 10-9-18
2 RDs
200m Run
5 Burpee
30 Min to complete
4×10 Bicep Curl
4×15 Banded Tricep Pull Down
3 sets of 21’s
4×10 strict Dips
4×10 DB Bench Press
DB Thruster 40/25
Burpee over DB
*7 min Cap*
2 RDs
200m Run
5 Burpee
30 Min to complete
4×10 Bicep Curl
4×15 Banded Tricep Pull Down
3 sets of 21’s
4×10 strict Dips
4×10 DB Bench Press
DB Thruster 40/25
Burpee over DB
*7 min Cap*
NO 5 A.M. CLASS TOMORROW 6 A.M. AND 7 A.M. Strength/Skill – Snatch Grip Deadlift to a Hang Power Snatch x 5. 3 ROunds Row 200m 10 CTB chin ups 10 clean and jerks 95/65# 10 CTB chin ups 10 clean and jerk 95/65# 70 DU rest 3 mins b.t.r.
Strength/Skill – S.D.H.P. – 5-5-5-5 TnG 10 R.F.T. 3 Snatch Grip Deadlift (95#/65#) 3 Hang Power Snatch 3 Overhead Squat
Christmas Party Dec. 17th. Please sign up at front desk. Strength: Every 90 sec. for 12 min; 3 Push Press + 1 Jerk @ 60-65% of 1RM 3 Rounds: 500 Meter Row 12 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) 50 Double-Unders
Strength – Push Jerks 3-3-3-3-3 Skill – Kipping Pull-ups W.O.D. Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat Run 1 mile Clock starts for run on rising from last squat. The Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squat is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top…
We now have a group on Facebook…CrossFit Kryptonite Box News. Please join, so you can always get the latest news. You can post on the page too. We will be watching the Open announcement Thursday at 8PM. During the 5 week Open, we will be offering a 7 PM ROMWOD class. Anyone can participate. Bring…
Warm up 3 RDs 10 DB Push Press 7 Burpee 5 Pull Up 20 Min to complete 5-5-5-5 Strict Press 3-3-3-3 Push Press 2-2-2-2 Split Jerk Open Workout 11.4 10 min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 OHS 120/80 10 Ring M/U (10 Pull Up & 10 Dips)