Tuesday, 12-27-16
No 5 am classes this week!
Box squats 8X3 increasing weight
21-15-9 reps of:
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips
Floor Press 135/95
No 5 am classes this week!
Box squats 8X3 increasing weight
21-15-9 reps of:
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips
Floor Press 135/95
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday 8 and 9 am classes only. Christmas party Dec. 16th. Pot luck. Please sign up at the front desk. For time: 36-27-18-9 Wall Balls 20/14 12-9-6-3 Burpee box jump 24″/20″ *Rest 5 minutes then: 21-15-9 reps of: Push Jerk 155/105 HR Push up *Rest 5 minutes then: 40 Overhead Squats 75/55 20…
Summer Hours begin next week. No 5AM classes on Tuesday and Thursday…6 & 7AM classes only. Normal afternoon classes. Strength/Skill – Front Squat 5 x 3 3 R.F.T. 22 Kettlebell swings (2 pood) 22 Box jump 24/20 inch box Run 400 meters 22 Burpees 22 Wall ball shots (20/14 pound ball)
Warm up 3 RDs 10 Ring Row 10 Sit Up 5 Push up 100m Run 30 Min EMOM 6 Pull Up 6 t2b 50′ Farmers Carry 35/20
Deadlifts 6 sets 3 @ 70% For time: 30/21 AAB 30 Deadlifts 225/155 30 Bar Muscle Ups 30 Deadlifts 30/21 AAB
Skill – High Pulls W.O.D: Tabata Ab-Mat Sit-ups 2 min rest Alternating Tabata Burpees, Kettlebell Swings 2 min rest Bottom To Bottom Tabata Squats
NO 10:00 AM CLASS SATURDAY 8-16-14 6 Min. E.M.O.M. – Starts at 15 min past hour 5 TnG Power Cleans + 1 Front Squat 10 Min A.M.R.A.P. – Starts at 25 mins past hour 10 S.2.O. 155/115 12 Deadlifts 155/115 15 Box Jumps 24/20 Strength Skill – Snatch Complex: Mid Thigh – Below Knee –…