Tuesday, 3-14-17
I’ll be open for 1 class today @4pm…:)
Strength: 3 Position Clean (high hang, hang, floor)
Work up to a heavy complex
15 min AMRAP
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115/75
10 Floor Presses
20 Wall Balls 20/14
I’ll be open for 1 class today @4pm…:)
Strength: 3 Position Clean (high hang, hang, floor)
Work up to a heavy complex
15 min AMRAP
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115/75
10 Floor Presses
20 Wall Balls 20/14
Deadlifts 6X5 Sets 1-3: Warmup sets: 40,50,60%o of 1RM Set 4-6: Working sets: 70,80, 85% 0f 1RM 12 min AMRAP 12/9 Calorie Row 12 Deadlifts (155/105) 12 Ball Slams
Strength: Power Clean and Jerk Work up to a heavy triple. For time: 500m row Immediately into… 9-15-21 reps of: Squat Clean 135/95 Chest-to-bar Pull-up Wall Balls 20/14
We will be closed Sunday. 7 sets of the complex: 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk For Time: 15 Sq. Snatches (95/65) 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 D/U 3:1 12 Sq. Snatches (115/80) 15 Box Jump Overs 30 D/U 9 Sq.Snatches (135/95) 15 Box Jump Overs 30 D/U…
Strength: Front Squat reps/Back Squat reps, do this at %’s of your front squat 65% x 4/7, 75x 4/7, 80% 4/5, 85% 4/5 Reps 12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift 225/185 Bar Muscle Up 200m run after each set
PLEASE NOTE – From Wednesday, July 27th – Monday August 1st – Hours of operation are as follows: Mon Wed Fri 6 AM & 7AM classes only. Tues & Thurs, 6am only. All afternoons will not have 3 or 4 PM classes. 5 and 6 PM classes only. Strength/Skill – High Pulls 400m run 21…
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-up 4 x 3 7 Minute Ladder 3 Clean and Jerk – 103/155 3 Toes to Bar – REST ONE MINUTE 7 Minute Ladder 3 Deadlift – 103/155 3 Lateral Burpees over the bar