Tuesday, 5-13-14
Strength/Skill – Box Squats 5 x 3
Five Rounds for time:
20 Medicine ball cleans 20#/14#
10 Shoulder to overhead 135#/95#
Strength/Skill – Box Squats 5 x 3
Five Rounds for time:
20 Medicine ball cleans 20#/14#
10 Shoulder to overhead 135#/95#
Stan Wong 5K Saturday May 21st in E. Moriches. Don’t forget to sign up..Gym will be closed. Don’t forget to sign up for Murph….May 28th, followed by our annual BBQ. Sign up for BBQ at the front desk. Money for Tribal Games is due. Warm Up: Tabata Sit Ups and Sprints Strength: 5 x 1…
For Time: 15 Front Squats 155/115 30 T2B 30 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 15 M/U’s ( scale 30 Dips) 30 Push Presses 135/95 30 D/U’s 15 Snatches 115/75 30 Pull Ups 30 Wall Balls 20/14 300 feet overhead walking lunges (45-pound plate/25-pound plate) Skill Work: M/U, HSPU, D/U’s…..
Warm up: 2RD at easy pace 10 BB Power Sntach 5 Behind the Snatch Grip Push Press 5 BB OHS 12 Min EMOM Min 1 & 2 – 3 Power Snatches @ 60% of 1RM Min 3 & 4 – 3 Power Snatches @ 70% Min 5 & 6 – 2 Power Snatches @ 75%…
Crossfit Open WOD 14.2 Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 12 overhead squats 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 14 overhead squats 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete…
With a partner complete: 25 min AMRAP: 12 t2b 8 hang power snatch 115/85 4 ohs 115/85 * 100′ shuttle run alternate every 25′ after every rd. shuttle run count as 4 (1 rep every 25′)* *split reps however you’d like*
Strength/Skill – Power Snatch 75% x2 x3, Snatch Balance 80% x2 x3 10,9,8….3,2,1 Chest to Bar Pull Up Box Jump 30″/24″ T2B