Tuesday 6-9-15
20 Min Handstand Push up/Walk/Hold PRACTICE
25 Wall Ball 20/14
25 KBS 70/53
Rest 5 Min
1 Mile Run/2k Row
20 Min Handstand Push up/Walk/Hold PRACTICE
25 Wall Ball 20/14
25 KBS 70/53
Rest 5 Min
1 Mile Run/2k Row
STRENGTH: C&J 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-1 8RFT 3 POWER CLEANS 185#/125# 6 WALL BALLS 20/14 9 BOX JUMPS 24″/20″
Snatch Grip Deadlifts 15 Min to work up to a heavy 3 2 rounds 15 Bar Muscle Ups 30 Deadlifts 225/155 60 Wall Balls 20/14
Partner WOD – “Hold the Line” Only one partner can be working at a time, the other partner must be in a hold. If partner 2 is not holding that position, partner 1 cannot count reps. Every time you switch roles, both partners must do 5 burpees. 20 minute AMRAP 40 box jumps (24/20″) –…
Skill – Pistols CROSSFIT WOD: 20 min AMRAP: 5 ring pushups 10 OHS 95/65 15 Kb swings 55/35
“Annie” 10 min to establish a heavy 3 rep Front Squat Every 3 min for 5 sets 3 Front squats and 5 Back Squats with the same weight.
Reminder: Saturday Beach WOD at Pikes Beach, @8AM. Gym will be closed. It is a partner WOD. Swimming is not necessary. Please sign up at the front desk. In case of thunder and lightning the beach wod will be cancelled. Strength: Push Press 70%x5 75%x5 80%x3 85%x3 3RM 3 RFT 100 D/U’s 30 OHS 45/30…