Tuesday, November 23rd 2010
Deadliffts 5-5-5-5-5
4 Rounds for time:
50 Double unders
25 Wall balls
20 Kettle bell swings
15 Thrusters
10 Burpees (1ft. jump)
Deadliffts 5-5-5-5-5
4 Rounds for time:
50 Double unders
25 Wall balls
20 Kettle bell swings
15 Thrusters
10 Burpees (1ft. jump)
12 min EMOM min 1 – 8 DB Floor Press min 2 – 2 TGU 53/35 min 3 – 15 Hollow Rocks 5 RDs for Reps – in a 3 min window complete: 9 Power Snatch 115/85 15 Power Cleans 21 Push Jerks… … with remaining time AMRAP OHS.. *rest 2 min between rds*
Join us on Saturday, Oct. 17th, for a Snatch Seminar at CrossFit Kryptonite !! Work with USAW certified coaches, JP Nicoletta and Vanessa Nicoletta. $40.00 covers 3 hours of hands on coaching, beginner and advanced lifters are welcome!! Must sign up in advance.THERE WILL BE NO 9 and 10AM CLASSES! Strength- 15 Min to establish…
Strength/Skill Floor press 3×5 On the minute for 12 minutes: Power clean, Front squat with pause at the bottom, Clean (weights 2/3 of rm clean – check your folder) 6 min Tabata: Abmat sit-ups and Kettlebell swings 53/35
EMOM till failure- 20 D/U + 1 Sq. Clean Thruster start @ 40% 1 RM clean and jerk. add 10/5 each round For time- 200 Singe Arm Russian Swings *Switch arms every 5 reps, before you switch you must hold a 10 second over head hold with the same arm.* **Every time you break its…
For time: 30 Power Snatches 135/95 1 Mile Run ..right into… 30-20-10 KBS 70/53 Thruster 95/65 *35 min Cap*
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Chest to bar Pull-ups 10 Ring Dips 135 lb. back/95 lb. overhead squat, 15 reps