Wednesday, 01-08-14
Skill: Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + OHS + Heaving Snatch balance + Snatch Balance X 5
1 min each:
Row for calories
KB swings 53/35
Box Jumps 24/20
Thrusters 75/45
Sit ups
Rest 1 minute
Skill: Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + OHS + Heaving Snatch balance + Snatch Balance X 5
1 min each:
Row for calories
KB swings 53/35
Box Jumps 24/20
Thrusters 75/45
Sit ups
Rest 1 minute
2RDs 10 Reverse Hypers 30 D/U 10 BB Deadlifts 30 Min to complete 3×10 Bicep Curl 3×15 Banded Tricep Pull Down 3 sets of 21’s 3×20 BB Unbroken Strict Press 3×20 two legged Glute Bridge w/1sec pasue at top 3×12 BB Good Morning 7 Min AMRAP 15 Deadlifts 155/105 35 D/U 2:1
AS OF NEXT WEEK WE WILL CUT 1 5AM CLASS. SO CLASSES WILL BE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. THIS WILL BE FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER. Strength: Snatch grip deadlifts: 4X3 @ 100+% Snatch grip high pulls: 4X3 @ 90% OHS: 4X3 increasing weight For time: 100 Double-unders 10 Squat Snatch 155/105 80 Double-unders…
Strength: Deadlift 5×6 60-80% of 1RM Every 4 min for 24 min- 20 Wall Ball 20/14 15 Burpee to plate 10 t2b *Scale reps to 15-12-9 per rd* *Time cap is 3min per round. Rounds are meant for a sprint*”
EMOM till failure- 20 D/U + 1 Sq. Clean Thruster start @ 40% 1 RM clean and jerk. add 10/5 each round For time- 200 Singe Arm Russian Swings *Switch arms every 5 reps, before you switch you must hold a 10 second over head hold with the same arm.* **Every time you break its…
Strength: Sumo Deadlift 8×3 build to heavy triple Tabata Power Clean 115/85 Deadlift 115/85 Floor Press 115/85 Toes to Bar *rest 2 min between movements* Lowest Score for each movement is counted
Strength/Skill – Thrusters 8-8-5-5-3-3 Great advice for improving one’s racked position to increase Front Squat, Thruster & All Cleans!!! 21-15-9 95/65 Barbell Burpee Squat Clean Thrusters (OUCH!!) 400m run after each round CrossFit Kryptonite Scott DeTore