Wednesday, 1-28-15
Today… 8 and 9 am classes, regular pm classes.
Snatch grip Push Press
Snatch 8×3
Build to a max 3 rep effort
10 Wall Balls 20/14
30 D/U’s
Today… 8 and 9 am classes, regular pm classes.
Snatch grip Push Press
Snatch 8×3
Build to a max 3 rep effort
10 Wall Balls 20/14
30 D/U’s
Closed for Thanksgiving. 9AM class Friday. No PM classes. 14 min EMOM odd 3 Bench Press @ 70% even 10 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 Helen 3RFT 400m Run 21 KB Swings 53/35 12 Pull Ups
Christmas party December 17. Sign up at front desk. STRENGTH: 8 SETS 2 CLEAN HIGH PULLS + 1 POWER CLEAN @ 75-85% 21 MIN EMOM MIN 1-10 DEADLIFTS 185/125 MIN 2-15 BOX JUMPS 24/20 MIN 3-20 MED BALL TWISTS 20/14
Strength – O.H. Squats 3-3-3-3 For time 3 100′ Bear Walks 21 O.H. Squats 95/65 NO RACK – SNATCHED ONLY 21 K2E 2 100′ Bear Walks 15 O.H. Squats NO RACK – SNATCHED ONLY 15 K2E 1 100′ Bear Walk 9 O.H. Squats NO RACK – SNATCHED ONLY 9 K2E
PLEASE BRING AN EXTRA PAIR OF WORKOUT SHOES IF POSSIBLE TO KEEP FLOORS CLEAN AND DRY. THANK YOU. WOD 155 lbs Power Clean 15 reps 30 ring dips 155 lbs Power clean 12 reps 24 ring dips 155 lbs Power Clean 9 reps 18 ring dips 155 lbs power Clean 6 reps 12 ring dips…
We will be closed Sunday. Our on-line catalog is ready. Click on / to start placing your orders. Christmas party is this tomorrow…6PM. Deadlift-9 sets 1×3@ 70% of 1 RM 1×3 @ 75% 1×3 @ 80% 1×2 @ 85% 1×2 @ 90% 1×1 @ 95% 3 Attempts at pulling anything over 95% For Time:…
15 min to complete 5 sets of 3 Back Squats start at 75% and build 15 min AMRAP 21 Russian Swings 70/53 14 KB Lunges 70/53 7 Push Jerks 165/115