Wednesday, 2/2/2011

One arm dumbbell snatch - Eyes kept on the dumbbell helps stabilize.

Skill – of course….one arm dumbell snatches!!

Four rounds for time of:
20 pound Medicine ball cleans, 20 reps
100 ft Walking lunge
45 pound One arm dumbbell snatch, right arm, 10 reps
45 pound One arm dumbbell snatch, left arm, 10 rep


  True Story – by Christina Maragh

Posted 31 January 2011 | Info,News,Photos   

We want to share with you all of of the most incredible stories we have ever heard of. After reading it, feel free to email Christina with any thoughts or comments about her remarkable success – [email protected]

Here it is as told by Christina Maragh:

When I joined Crossfit it wasn’t about losing weight, it was about getting fit and getting strong.  I had no idea what I walked into when I walked into Crossfit Afflicion, August 29th, 2009.  I had seen all these crazy photos on Facebook of my friend Heather lifting weights and doing all sorts of crazy stuff and one particular photo caught my eye and the next thing I know I am making an appointment for Foundations with Steve, having not researched Crossfit and basically walking in blindly which is a rarity for me.

 I walked in for my assessment and Heidi Bowser the coach and co-owner of the gym said, “Okay how many sit-ups can you do?”  I laughed pretty hard and I think she probably thought I was insane at that moment having no idea why that would be funny to anyone.  You see when I walked in  to the “warehouse” that is Crossfit with no AC and a bunch of people who looked like they may pass out at any moment mid workout, I was weak as a kitten,  scared out of my mind that they would say what a lot of other trainers, pilates instructors and fitness instructors say…. After I say…. I have rods in my spine, I have had 3 surgeries and I am one big train wreck, I am pretty inflexible and very weak….  “YOU need privates…”, Sorry get a note from your doctor…”  “Or hell to the no….”  I didn’t want to be handled with kid gloves I was sick of it, sick of the pity.  After an hour with Heidi I knew she was having none of that…. I saw someone who was going to kick my ass with rods in my spine or without them.  I said no sit-ups, she said no problem I will sub the exercise out, make no mistake I said SUB not scale.  When she asked about pull ups…. Well….  Let’s just say I laughed over that one too…

I suffer from chronic about an 8 on a 10 scale pain level EVERY day of my life, it never goes away, it doesn’t subside, it its always there…  I have permanent nerve damage from the 3 surgeries, and things that I know I have to live with.  I don’t have an athletic bone in my body or never did… anyway…  I always just rested, slept and medicated.  In 2007 when I was expecting my first child I vowed to stop the medication and spent 4 weeks in physical therapy.   Off the medication I was still weak and very out of shape, I couldn’t walk very far, or stand very long…  I was perpetually in muscle spasm and had a rough time lifting my son.  Needless to say I was frustrated as hell at that point.  How could I live like that?  After that first day in the gym, feeling sore as hell I was hooked…. Hooked on Crossfit!

18 months later this girl who couldn’t do a sit-up can dead-lift 220lbs, do kipping pull-ups, climb a rope, and has grown to love weight lifting, I also just competed in my first Crossfit competition!  I have never felt more energetic, or stronger in my whole life.  I want everyone to know that you can do it!  It has changed my life.  Although I still cope with chronic pain, I have never felt better in my life.  The coaches, the camaraderie, the friends I have made have changed my life!


I can just in the past 4 months do AB MAT SITUPS!  YIPEE!

Christina Maragh –[email protected]

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