Wednesday, 8-15-18
15 min to complete
6×8 DB Bench Press
You choose weights
For time –
50 DB Deadlifts 50/35
25 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
40 DB Deadlifts
20 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
30 DB Deadlifts
15 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
*20min Cap*
15 min to complete
6×8 DB Bench Press
You choose weights
For time –
50 DB Deadlifts 50/35
25 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
40 DB Deadlifts
20 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
30 DB Deadlifts
15 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
*20min Cap*
Strength: Back Squat 10 @ 50% 10 @ 60% 6 @ 65% 6 @ 70% 4 @ 75% Strict Press 3×5 Push Press 3×3 Push Jerk 3×1 7 Min AMRAP 3 Hang Power Clean 135/95 3 S2O 135/95 6 Burpee over bar
July 3rd hours: 9 and 10AM. 4 and 5PM open Gym. July 4th hours: 8 and 9AM.
Deadlift-9 sets 3×3 @ 70% of 1 RM 3×3 @ 80% 3×3 @ 85% 5 RFT: 20 Wallball 20/14 20 Power Clean 75/55 *20 min Cap*
I am taking pre-orders for new Kryptonite gear, just in time for Christmas. Pukie on the the back. Beast Mode right under pic. Front : Crossfit Kryptonite Along with the sweat shirts, we will have sweat pants with our logo going down the leg. Strength: Work Up to up to a heavy Push Jerk Then…
Bench Press 6×5 Increasing Weight Chest Flys 4×10 For time: 100 Power Clean 115/85 Every time you break 8 Bar facing burpee *22 min Cap*
Strength – Deadlift 5-5-3-2-2 5 R.F.T. 10 – Front Squats 135/95 15 – T.T.R. (Toes Through Rings) 20 – K.B. Swings 53/35 Superman gettting kryptoed from a member who trains at CrossFit Kryptonite !!!!!!!!!!!!