Wednesday, 8-23-17
8×4 Weighted Dips
Increase weight each set.
23 Min AMRAP
9 C2B
15 Power Clean 135/95
21 Squats
400m Run with a 45/35# plate….. NO DROPPING WEIGHTS!!
8×4 Weighted Dips
Increase weight each set.
23 Min AMRAP
9 C2B
15 Power Clean 135/95
21 Squats
400m Run with a 45/35# plate….. NO DROPPING WEIGHTS!!
NASTY LITTLE COUPLET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Strength: Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3 WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KB Swing (70/53) Pullup
Strength: Power Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk x 6 start @ 60% of Push Press and build to heavy single 27-21-15-9 Cluster 75/55 Bar Hop 200m Run After each rd.
Rowing relay with partner: 2 X 100m 2 x 200m 2 X 300m 2 X 400m 2 X 500m 2 X 400m 2 X 300m 2 X 200m 2 X 100m For Time: 100 DOUBLE UNDERS 30 WALL BALLS 20#/14# 20 T2B 10 Thruster 95/65 10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 10 Thruster 95/65 20…
NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Clean 5 R.F.T. 7 hang Squat Cleans (80% of 1 RM) 5 Wall Climbs
Stan Wong 5K, no classes today.
Click on your pic!!! Holiday hours – Friday 12/23/11-No PM Classes. Saturday 12/24/11 Christmas Eve – 8 am only. “7-11” (WILL KEEP YOU REVIN) 7 Rounds: 11 Exercises 11 Reps each to be executed in 2 person teams 1- Burpees 2- Tuck Jumps 3- HSPU – buddy holds feet 4- Ring dips 5- Sit-ups 6-…