Wednesday, 9-18-13
Strength/Skill – Snatch Balance 4-4-4-4
9 Power Snatch (135/93)
9 OHS (135/93)
9 Muscle-ups
6 Power Snatch (135/93)
6 OHS (135/93)
6 Muscle-ups
3 Power Snatch (135/93)
3 OHS (135/93)
3 Muscle-ups
Strength/Skill – Snatch Balance 4-4-4-4
9 Power Snatch (135/93)
9 OHS (135/93)
9 Muscle-ups
6 Power Snatch (135/93)
6 OHS (135/93)
6 Muscle-ups
3 Power Snatch (135/93)
3 OHS (135/93)
3 Muscle-ups
Sunday the 24th…Sunday Funday @ 9:30. No 9am class. You will have to sign up at the front desk in advance. It will be a 3 person WOD. So teams of 3! For time: 2000m row 100 Air Squats 1500m row 50 Pull Up 1000m row 25 HSPU
Open WOD 17.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 toes-to-bars 8 power cleans Then, 2 rounds of: 50-ft. weighted walking lunge 16 bar muscle-ups 8 power cleans Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds. Men use 50-lb. dumbbells
6,7 and 8 AM classes tomorrow only. Closed friday! WOD: 15-20 Min to establish 1 RM Snatch Rest as needed 15-20 Min to establish 1 RM Clean & Jerk
20 Min EMOM 40 Double-under 15 Push Ups 15 Weighted Sit Ups 15 Pistols Skill Work!!!
WE ARE RUNNING OUTSIDE, PLEASE BRING APPROPRIATE ATTIRE. Strength/Skill – Front Squat Find your 1 RM 3 RFT 200m Run 10 TGU’S 53/35 20 Air Squats 30 D.U.”s
CONGRATS TO RALPH D. FOR HITTING HIS FIRST SET OF DOUBLE UNDERS Skill – Hang Squat Snatch WOD – 30 min cap 100 Air Squats 30 Box Jumps (20″) 30 KB Swings (53/35) 30 AbMat Situps 30 Power Cleans (95/65) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) Run 1000m There is nothing better than a fine cut of…