Friday, 12-26-14
Today 9AM Class, 4 and 5PM Class.
Strength: Weighted Push ups 5X5
3 Rounds
10 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)
400m Run
Rest 5 mins
Wall Balls (20/14)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
Today 9AM Class, 4 and 5PM Class.
Strength: Weighted Push ups 5X5
3 Rounds
10 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)
400m Run
Rest 5 mins
Wall Balls (20/14)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
Strength/Skill – Hang Power Cleans 3-3-3-3-3 5 R.F.T. 3 Squat Cleans (80% of 1 RM) 5 Muscle Ups Posted by Mariana Goncalves-DeTore Crossfit Kryptonite
Deadlifts 6 sets Sets 1-3: 5 reps @ 40,50,60%o of 1RM Set 4-6: Working sets: 3 reps @ 70,80, 85% 0f 1RM 50 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Power Cleans 135/95 50 Wall Balls EMOM 3 Burpees
BRING SOMETHING TO PROTECT YOUR KNEES!! Please bring a sweat towel!! Strength/Skill: Split Jerk 5×3 increasing weight With a pair of 45-lb. dumbbells, 4 rounds for time of: 50-meter weighted lunge 200 -meter farmers carry
Strength / Skill – Push Jerks 4-4-3-3-2 20min AMRAP 1 – Rope Ascent 10 – Pull-ups 20 – Push-ups 30 – Double Unders
Strength: 26 Min to complete 5×10 Bicep Curls (10 each Arm) 5×10 Skull Crushers 3 sets of “21’s” 3×10 Dips 14 Min Ladder: 2 Sit-Up 2 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Balls 20/14 4 Sit-Up 4 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 6 Sit-Up 6 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 8 Sit-Up 8 Hollow Rock 12 Wall…
Strength: Every 30 sec for 8 min: 1 Hang Squat Snatch @ 70-80% Front Squats: 3X5 @ 70-75% Every 3 min for 15 min (5sets) 50 D/Us 12 Thrusters 115/85 95/65 9 Burpees over the bar Rest until next interval