Saturday, 9-17-16
In teams of 2, complete for time:
50 Clean & jerk (135/95)
30 Muscle-ups
300 Double unders
30 Strict handstand push-ups
50 Snatch
*Only one person may work at a time. Break up and the reps and movements as needed.
In teams of 2, complete for time:
50 Clean & jerk (135/95)
30 Muscle-ups
300 Double unders
30 Strict handstand push-ups
50 Snatch
*Only one person may work at a time. Break up and the reps and movements as needed.
Strength: Bench Press Find your 3rep max 2016 Granite Games Qualifier 15 minutes: 10 squat clean & jerks (135/85lbs) 15 burpees over bar 8 squat clean & jerks (185/115lbs) 15 burpees over bar 6 squat clean & jerks (225/145lbs) 15 burpees over bar 4 squat clean & jerks (275/175lbs) 15 burpees over bar 2…
Warm up: 3 RDs 10 Banded squats 10 Lunges 10 BB strict Press 12 min to complete: Back Squats 7×3 @ 87.5% rest 4 min 10 min EMOM 2 strict press + 3 push press start @ 60% 1 RM strict press and build 5 min AMRAP 20 KBS 753/35 15 Jumping Squats
Strength/Skill – Zercher Squats 6 x 2 ( It is new, go light work on mechanical efficiency) At 1:05 explanation on how to hold bar Three rounds of: Tire Flips Man makers 25/15 Straight Jump to a Candlestick – see video. It is the first one. D/U’s if you can’t do them, this is your…
0:00 – 10:00 complete “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 D/U Sit Up 10:00 – 40:00 with a partner complete “Maggie” 5 RFT 20 HSPU 40 Pull Up 60 Alt. Pistols
Strength – Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 WOD For time: Kettlebell swing- Burpee ladder Reps of 13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 13 KBS, 13 Burpees 12 KBS, 12 Burpees 11 KBS, 11 Burpees continue to 1 and 1……. 2.0/1.5 kb men 1.5/1.0 kb gals Staying Hydrated With the summer months quickly approaching, it is going to be extremely necessary to…
Strength: Bench Press 6X3 24 min EMOM Min 1- 10-15 Push Ups Min 2- 15 KBS 53-35 Min 3- 20 Good Mornings Min 4- 30 Med Ball twists