Monday 11-14-16
Front Squat
4X6 @ 70%
20 minute AMRAP
25 wall balls (20/14#)
25 D.U.s
25 box jumps (24/20″)
25 K2E
25 pull-ups
25 jump over the bar
25 cleans (135/95#)
Front Squat
4X6 @ 70%
20 minute AMRAP
25 wall balls (20/14#)
25 D.U.s
25 box jumps (24/20″)
25 K2E
25 pull-ups
25 jump over the bar
25 cleans (135/95#)
Strength: Every 90 sec for 8 sets perform: 5 C&J @ 70% + 5 Push Ups Deadlift 7 X 1 Going for Max Effort 12 Min AMRAP 6 Power Snatches 115/75 12 K2E
For time- 1 Mile Run ..then.. 6rds 5 Deadlift 225/155 20 Lat Box Jump Overs 25 Pull up
“Bradshaw” 10 RFT: 3 HSPU 2:1 6 Deadlift 225/155 12 Pull-Ups (20 banded, 20 Ring Row) 24 D/U 3:1 *35 min Cap*
Stan Wong 5K Saturday May 21st in E. Moriches. Don’t forget to sign up..Gym will be closed. Don’t forget to sign up for Murph….May 28th, followed by our annual BBQ. sign up for BBQ. Money is due for Tribal games. Regional wod: With running clock: 0:00-12:00 Randy 75 Snatch 75/55 12:00-30:00 21-15-9-6-3 HSPU C2B Burpee
EMOM x 5 min 5 Strict Press For time: 30/25 Cal Row 60 Hollow Rocks 30/25 Cal Row 60 Weighted Sit-Up 40/25 30/25 Cal Row 60 T2B 30/25 Cal Row *26 min Cap*
6 RFT 2 – Rope climbs Shuttle Sprints 10m 15m 20m 10 Pistols Alternating Legs 20 K.B. Snatches 53/35