Monday, 8-22-16
Clean and Jerk
80%x1+1 X3
15 min AMRAP
15 Cal Row
10 T2B
5 Power Snatches 165/115
Clean and Jerk
80%x1+1 X3
15 min AMRAP
15 Cal Row
10 T2B
5 Power Snatches 165/115
“Death By Couplets” 3 rounds 15 Front Squats M135 W95 30 Double Unders Rest 3 minutes 21-15-9 Burpee Box Jumps KB Swings M55 W35 Rest 3 minutes 1200 meter run
FRIDAY 11/23 AM HOURS ONLY 6,7,8 & 9 A.M. ONLY. NO EVENING/PM CLASSES Strength/Skill – Snatch Drop/Balance 2-2-2-2-2 80% 21-15-9 One Arm O.H. D.B. Walking Lunges 45/25 (You can alternate arms) Power Cleans 135/95
Merry Christmas to my Kryptonite Family!!! Monday’s Hours are 8 and 9am only!!
Individual Event 6 – 2014 For time: 50-calorie row 50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in. 50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb. 50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb. 50 ring dips 50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb. 50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb. 50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in. 50-calorie…
Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1 7 min AMRAP 7 Power snatches at 50-60% 1RM snatch 7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Snatch Technique Add weight if form looks good With a Partner Row 5000m While 1 partner rows, the other completes: 10 DB Thrusters 35/25 50′ Bear Crawl 10 DB Snatches Continue alternating until 5000m are completed