Saturday, 7-29-17
For time:
1000m Run
75 Thruster 45/35
50 Pull Up
75 Wall Ball
1000m Run
For time:
1000m Run
75 Thruster 45/35
50 Pull Up
75 Wall Ball
1000m Run
No 5 am classes this week! Strength: Box squats 8X3 increasing weight 21-15-9 reps of: Chest-to-bar pull-ups Handstand Push-ups Ring Dips Floor Press 135/95
Strength: Back Squat 3X10 @ 65-70% of 1RM For time: 15 Cleans 155/100 30 T2B 30 Box Jumps 24/20 60 D/U’s 30 DB Push Presses 40/25 60 D/U’s 15 Thrusters 135/95 30 Pull Ups 30 Burpees One Barbell Scale as needed
Please bring a sweat towel!! With a partner complete for time: 1200m row 100 Burpees 300 Single Unders 800m run 100 med ball twists 300 mountain climbers 1200m row
Strength: Snatch pull 75%x3, 80%x3, 85%x3 Not TnG Snatch grip push press 5,4,3,2,2 Wod: 7min AMRAP 21-15-9 Hspu C2b (If you finish the 9 c2b within the 7min start over at 21 hspu) *scale as needed*
Ten rounds for time of: run 100 meters 7 Floor Presses 105/75 7 SDHP 105/75 7 Handstand push-ups
Spring 30 Day Paleo Challenge, weigh ins May 1st ■Eat a diet rich in nutrients and minerals made from real whole foods: meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts. A diet that supports your physical efforts by giving you energy and reducing inflammation but does not store itself as extra fat on your body. Participants should commit…