Wednesday, 5-29-18
7PM Classes start tonight.
Warm up:
3RDs at easy pace
1 min wall sit hold
10 Jumping Squats
30 D/U
E2MOM for 16 min
4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM
13min AMRAP
30 KBS 53/35
30 T2B
7PM Classes start tonight.
Warm up:
3RDs at easy pace
1 min wall sit hold
10 Jumping Squats
30 D/U
E2MOM for 16 min
4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM
13min AMRAP
30 KBS 53/35
30 T2B
W.O.D. – 3 R.F.T. 400m Run 15 Hang D.B. Squat Cleans 30 Double Unders The power of the mind, practice and the human body. The human body is a powerful machine, when you set your mind to using it. Imagine the confidence, control and practice those humans needed in order to perform such feats. When…
Strength/Skill: Clean Pull + High Hang Power Clean + Clean X 8 #1 7 min AMRAP Max Wall Balls 20/14 EMOM stop and complete 5 Burpees #2 10 min AMRAP 35 Sit Ups 10 unbroken Backsquats w. 2 second pause at the bottom.
John Donohue, Sue’s husband, passed away 10-17-17. 🙁 The services will be had at Sinnickson’s Funeral Home today from 2-4 and 7-9. Mass is on Friday @10am at St John’s Teams of 2 – 100 Air Squats 10 Burpee Pull Up ( 5 ring MU) 75 Air Squats 20 Burpee Pull Up (10 Ring MU)…
Strength/ Skill – Power Clean OR Squat Clean. Work up to 4RM Touch & Go 15 Muscle ups 50 Double unders 20 Thrusters (95/65) 50 Double unders 25 HSPU 50 Double unders 30 KB Swings (2/1.5) 50 Double unders 35 Box jumps 50 Double unders
15 Min to est a 1 RM Front Squat Reps could look like : 1×3 @ 60% 1×3 @ 70% 1×2 @ 80% 1×1 @ 85% 1×1 @ 90 % 3×1 @ 95%+ 3 RFT 20 DB Box Step Overs 50/35 50 D/U 3:1 20 DB Thrusters 50/35 *18 min Cap*
Neuromuscular Facilitation, also called muscle memory, is one of the most important factors in the adaptation of strength as an athlete, but more importantly as a novice. When we try new movements or activities, our brain sends a electrical impulse to activate the muscles needed. When this movement or pathway is unfamiliar, it is like…