Monday, 10-15-18
15 Reverse Hypers
10 BB Good Mornings
10 Broad Jumps
15 min to Establish
1 RM Deadlift
With a Partner Complete:
22 min AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs 2:1
4 HSPU 2:1
8 Thruster 115/85
16 Push Press 115/85
32 Deadlifts 115/85
15 Reverse Hypers
10 BB Good Mornings
10 Broad Jumps
15 min to Establish
1 RM Deadlift
With a Partner Complete:
22 min AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs 2:1
4 HSPU 2:1
8 Thruster 115/85
16 Push Press 115/85
32 Deadlifts 115/85
Team WOD 2 person team (2 guys or 2 girls) 120 KBS (53#/35#) 100 medball catches(20#/14#) (10′ distance, 5 burpee penalty for dropping the ball) 80 medball cleans 40 medball situps then row 2000 m
Strength/Skill – 2 Push Presses + 1 Jerk x 5 3 R.F.T. 30 KB Swings 20 Toes to Bar 10 Barbell Overhead Weighted Lunges (5/leg) Rx – 1.5/1, 135/95 Advanced – 1.5/1, 115/80 Beginner – 1/1, 95/65
Snatch Pull 100% (of sn) x 3 x 4 3-Position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee) 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, max 4 RFT: 50 D/U 10 Deadlift 135/95 5 Power Snatch 135/95
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 21-15-9 O.H. Squats 95/65 Push-ups (Hand Release) KB Swings 53/35 The 9 foods the U.S. Government is Paying you to Eat article via The Atlantic In 2009, the federal government spent $12.3 billion in payments to America’s farmers. The number was cause for celebration, and not only among the…
Strength/Skill -3 RM Hang Power Clean (Nasty girls could be coming) 5 R.F.T. 21 S.D.H.P. 95/65 21 Ring dips
Teams of 2: 70 Wall Ball 20/14 70 T2B 70 Shoulder Touches 70 Cal Row 70 Power Cleans 135/95 70 Cal Row 70 Shoulder Touches 70 T2B 70 Wall Ball