Friday, 7-12-19
EMOM x 5 min
5 Strict Press
For time:
30/25 Cal Row
60 Hollow Rocks
30/25 Cal Row
60 Weighted Sit-Up 40/25
30/25 Cal Row
60 T2B
30/25 Cal Row
*26 min Cap*
EMOM x 5 min
5 Strict Press
For time:
30/25 Cal Row
60 Hollow Rocks
30/25 Cal Row
60 Weighted Sit-Up 40/25
30/25 Cal Row
60 T2B
30/25 Cal Row
*26 min Cap*
Skill/Strength – KB Snatch 12 min A.M.R.A.P. 10 Deadlifts (125% of B.W.) 3 Wall Climbs
Good Friday hours: 8 and 9AM, 4 and 5PM. CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY!!! STRENGTH: 9 MIN EMOM MIN1: 30 SEC ALT PISTOLS MIN2: 30 SEC HSPU MIN3: 30 SEC PULL UPS ALTERNATE BETWEEN 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 POWER CLEAN 185#/125# 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 HAND RELEASE PUSH UPS
We would like to say thank you for particpating in Fight Gone Bad 6. We raised a total nine hundred and forty dollars. The W.O.D. went very smooth and there were some P.R.’s set. For the first timers you can understand why this was named Fight Gone Bad, especially after the effort you put forth….
Warm up: 2RDs at easy pace 10 Light DB high pull to press 12 Air Squats 30 D/U 9min EMOM – Push Press iMn 1-3: 5 @ 70-75% of 1RM Min 4-6: 3 @ 80-85% Min 7-9: 1 @ 90% – 1RM *If it feels good go for a new 1RM* 15 min to complete…
Strength: Front Squat – Work up to a heavy set of 3. 20 MIN EMOM Min 1: 12-15 KB Front Rack Lunges 35/20 Min 2: 12-15 Dips Min 3: 12-15 DB Step-ups 35/20 Min 4: 40 second Plank Hold