Tuesday, 10-25-11
Skill/Strength – KB Snatch
12 min A.M.R.A.P.
10 Deadlifts (125% of B.W.)
3 Wall Climbs
Skill/Strength – KB Snatch
12 min A.M.R.A.P.
10 Deadlifts (125% of B.W.)
3 Wall Climbs
Please Clean your shoes! 2 Min Tababtas Heel Taps Hollow Rock T2B Sit Ups For max reps: 6 minutes of D/U’s 5 minutes of Box Jumps 4 minutes of Power Snatches 75/55 3 minutes of OHS 2 minutes of Hang Power Cleans 1 minute of Thrusters
15 min to establish 10 rep max Deadlift 3RFT: 30/25 Cal Row 20 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 10 Deadlifts 275/205 *15 min Cap*
3RFT 25 Weighted Sit Ups w/DB 35/25 10 Bar M/U’s 400m run Strength: Strict Press- 5 @65% 5 @75% 5+ @85% of 1RM(Trying to max out reps here. Need to hit at least 5.)
Words can’t explain how I feel about the wonderful gift my CrossFit family has given me. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough. I am sincerely honored and blessed to have you all in my Kryptonite family and will cherish your kindness forever. Warm up 3RDs 100m Run 10 BB Snatch grip deadlifts 10 Wall…
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday 9 and 10am classes only! Strength: Weighted pull ups 8X3 Partner WOD 5 Rounds each 21 Weighted Sit Ups 45/35- Partner Plank Hold 7 Deadlift 225/185 Partner Rests 5 Hang Power Clean 155/115. Partner KB Hold in the front rack position.
Strength/Skill – 1 RM Hang Power Clean 15 Min AMRAP 3 Burpee Squat Clean Thrusters 115/83 6 Knees to Elbow 9 Deadlifts 115/83