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Tuesday, 2-13-18
Strength:Every :20 for 5 min 2 Power Clean @ 60% 1 RM Power Clean rest 3 min 12 Min EMOM Even- 15 T2B Odd- 15 Hollow Rocks With a partner complete “Brian” 5 RFT 5 Rope Climbs 25 Back Squats 185/135 *15 Min Cap*
Monday, 1/31/2011
MetCon: AMRAP – 22 Min 22 Double Unders 11 Deadlifts, 185/135lb 22 Push Ups 11 DB Hang Squat Cleans, 35/25lb These are good hang squat cleans, except we are not going to drop them as fast as she does. We will receive and hold for a one – one thousand.
Monday, 3-5-18
Strength: 26 Min to complete 5×10 Bicep Curls (10 each Arm) 5×10 Skull Crushers 3 sets of “21’s” 3×10 Dips 14 Min Ladder: 2 Sit-Up 2 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Balls 20/14 4 Sit-Up 4 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 6 Sit-Up 6 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 8 Sit-Up 8 Hollow Rock 12 Wall…
Saturday, 9-15-18
5 RFT 25 HR Push Up 50′ Bear Crawl 25 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 50′ Bear Crawl 25 Back Squat 75/55 50′ Bear Crawl
Friday, 4-26-19
25 min to complete 4×10 BB Bicep Curls 4×10 Weighted Bench Dips 4×8 Heavy DB bicep curl 4×10 French Press 4×20 Banded Tricep Pull Down 10 min AMRAP 10 T2B 10 V-Up 10 Medball Twists 20/14 10 Wall Ball 20/14
Friday 8-7-15
Single Leg RDL 2×10 each leg 3 RFT: 10 Muscle ups 5 Squat Cleans, 225/165 (supposed to be heavy singles so scale accordingly) rest 4 min 3 RFT: 500m Row 10 Deadlifts, 315/225 10 Box Jump overs, 24″/20″ 12min cap for each WOD.