Thursday, 7-26-12
Strength/Skill – S.D.H.P 3-3-3-3-3 TnG
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpee box jump overs
10 S.D.H.P. 95/65
10 One arm D.B. Thrusters (5L) (5R)
Rest 1 minute b/t rounds…you gonna need it!!!!!
Strength/Skill – S.D.H.P 3-3-3-3-3 TnG
5 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpee box jump overs
10 S.D.H.P. 95/65
10 One arm D.B. Thrusters (5L) (5R)
Rest 1 minute b/t rounds…you gonna need it!!!!!
14 Min AMRAP 60 Wall Ball 20/14 50 c2b pull up 40 Slam Ball 30/20 30 t2b 20 Burpee (If you finish the burpees within the 14 min, start over from the wall balls.) Strength 6×2 Snatch This is a full snatch, drop the bar and reset between doubles.
6 am and 7 o’clock classes cancelled. 9 Min EMOM 1- 7 Strict Press 2- 25 Russian Twist 20/14 3- 15 Med Ball Clean 20/14 Row Intervals(28min, 8sets) 1:30 MAX CAL ROW 2 Min Rest *Score is total Cals*
9 min E3MOM Back Squat 3×10 @ 55,60,65% of 1RM 5 RFT: 10 DB Burpee 50/35 20 DB Lunge Steps 50/35 30 Medball Twists 20/14 *22 min Cap*
TAAAABAAAATAAAAZZZ!!!!!!! Jumping pull-ups Rest 1 minute Squats (45lb. plate) Ring push-ups Rest 1 minute Deadlifts (165lbs.) Add up score!!!!!
We will miss Nate and Jenn…join us for breakfast at 11am. 10 min to complete “”Karen”” 150 Wall Balls 20/14 rest 5 min 10 min to complete “”Jackie”” 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Up
Strength: 10 min EMOM Even: 5 M/U’s Odd: 2 Deadlifts @ 85% WOD: 7RFT- 15- Wall Ball 20/14 12- t2b 9- Burpees