Friday, 2-28-20
Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Ups Pause Front Squats 8 x 3 Increasing weight….no Bounce
Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Ups Pause Front Squats 8 x 3 Increasing weight….no Bounce
20 min to complete 3×10 French Press 3×14(each arm) Bicep Curls superset with 25 banded curls 3×20 Tricep Pull down w/2 second pause at extension 3 sets of BB 21’s Partner WOD 20 min AMRAP 30 AAB 20 Devil’s Press 50/35
Deadlifts 12 min to warm into your weight 50 GHD Situps/ Weighted Sit Ups 50/35 10 Deadlifts 315/215 7 Rope Climbs 10 Deadlifts 30 Bar-facing Burpees 10 Deadlifts 150 Double Unders 2:1 10 Deadlifts
OHS 5-5-4-3-3-2-2 Increasing weight 20 min AMRAP 15 C2B Pullups 15 HSPU 30 Squats
Power Snatches 6 x 3 @ 65% 4 rounds 30 DB Snatches 50/35 30 T2B