Friday, 11-8-19
Come watch the last Open Wod tonight. We start at 5:30.
20.5 For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots
♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft. ♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Time cap: 20 minutes
Come watch the last Open Wod tonight. We start at 5:30.
20.5 For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots
♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft. ♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Time cap: 20 minutes
NO 5AM CLASS TODAY!!!! Strength: Bench Press 5X5 @ 75-85% 4 RFT- 20 Weighted sit ups 45/30 15 Weighted Good Mornings 75/45 10 HSPU 5 M/U’s 200m Run
8 and 9:30am classes Monday. BBQ 1:30 For reps; 7 Min AMRAP 12 Weighted Sit ups 35/25 10 DB Snatches 50/35 rest 3 min 7 Min AMRAP 12 Deadlift 185/125 3 Wall Climbs rest 3 min 7 Min AMRAP 30 Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 20 KBS 53/35 10/7 AAB Cal
Strength/Skill: Power Clean – 70%x1x3 Hang Clean – 75%x2x2 Clean – 80%x2x2, 85%x2x2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of: 8 Toes-to-bars 8 Dumbbell thrusters 45/35 12 Box Jumps 24/20
For Time: 42 Wall Balls 20/14 21Back Squats 155/105 30 Wall Ball 15 Front Squats 18 Wall Ball 9 Overhead Squats Deadlift *Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM *Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65% *Set 3 – 8 reps @ 75% *Set 4 – 6 reps @ 80% Rest 2-3 minutes…
METCON 21-15-9 Deadlift – 315/205 Box Jumps – 24/20 21-15-9 Squat Clean – 135/95 Ring Dips
“THE AIR FORCE WOD” For time: 20 Thrusters 20 Sumo deadlift high pulls 20 Push jerks 20 Overhead squats 20 Front squats Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed…