Friday, 3-22-12
Important Membership Change Inforamtion
Strength/Skill – Deadlifts 3RM
5 Deadlifts 225/155
20m Bear Walk
200m Run
Important Membership Change Inforamtion
Strength/Skill – Deadlifts 3RM
5 Deadlifts 225/155
20m Bear Walk
200m Run
On August 6th, 2011, 31 of America’s bravest warriors gave their lives in defense of our freedom. These men were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, and friends. Not only do we thank them for their service and sacrifice, but we thank those that love them for the sacrifice they have made as well. Alexander J Bennett,…
Strength: Deadlift 10 @ 60% 8 @ 70% 6 @ 75% 4 @ 80% 2 @ 85% 2 @ 90% -Partner WOD- AMRAP 20: Partner 1: 500m Row Partner 2: AMRAP: 12 OH Plate Lunges 12 Box Jumps 12 Pull Ups * Partner 1 Rows, while Partner 2 does AMRAP. When P1 is done with…
Clean & Jerk 60%x2+1, 70%x2+1, 80%x2+1, heavy single 4RFT: 400m plate carry 45/25 12 DB Snatches 45/30 12 Box jump overs 24″20″ 12 plate V-Ups 25/15
Strength/Skill – 10 min EMOM…4 TnG Push Presses 70% of 1 RM As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 7 Med-ball cleans 20# (14#) 7 Lateral Box jumps 24″ (20″) Rest 1 minute As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of: 7 Med-ball cleans 20# (14#) 7 Lateral Box jumps 24″ (20″)…
With Partner 30 Min AMRAP 400 m Row 30 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Thrusters 75/55 10 Man Makers 53/35 Break reps up anyway you like
12 min EMOM 8 weighted lunges 8 floor presses Workout 15.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of: 7 muscle-ups 50 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10 feet 100 double-unders