Monday, 3-24-20
Check your email for today’s WOD
Check your email for today’s WOD
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch – We will have special guest in on Tuesday. That’s why we are snatching Click here 1 – Competitiors WOD (Some have completed it) For Time: 10 Atlas stones, ground to shoulder 200m walk/run with stone 10 Atlas stones, ground to shoulder 200m walk run farmers carry or 2 –…
Some reminders: Saturday 9-26: Wod Wars from 1-5. Janel, Matt, Jon, Jordan, & Skidz are competing. They can still use volunteers. Let me know. Calverton Links 149 Edwards Ave Calverton , NY 11933 Friday 10-2: Tribal Games. Matt & Janel are competing. Let me know if you want me to pick up tickets so we…
Happy Thanksgiving Eve !!!!! Skill: Snatch balance W.O.D 3 rounds for time of: 10 Overhead Squats 10 Good Mornings 10 Sit-ups 10 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups Cool Down: Tabata squats ( Sorry, tomorrow could be a little dangerous at the dinner table. )
We are closed. Merry Christmas!!
We we want to wish Jordan Miles good luck as he will be deployed to Africa for 3 months!!! Christmas Party at Brewology December 13th! Strength/Skill: Hang Squat Clean 10 minutes to work up to a Heavy Single WOD The Jordanator For Time (7 minute cap) 50 Thrusters Begin Each Minute with 7 Push-Ups Rest…
15 min Snatch High Pull 3@95 3@100 2@105 % of 1RM Power snatch 5X1 Increasing weight GI Jane 100 Burpee Pull ups