Monday, 3 -28-16
No 5AM class.
Strength: 1 1/4 Back Squat 6X3
The 1¼ squat is used to strengthen the bottommost part of the squat to aid in proper recovery position in the squat, clean or snatch.
For Time:
100 D/U’s
1 Rope climb
90 D/U’s
2 Rope Climbs
80 D/U’s
3 Rope Climbs
70 D/U’s
4 Rope Climbs
60 D/U’s
5 Rope Climbs
50 D/U’s
4 Rope Climbs
40 D/U’s
3 Rope Climbs
30 D/U’s
2 Rope Climbs
20 D/U’s
1 Rope Climb
10 D/U’s