Monday, 4-15-13
Did you do your taxes?
Strength/Skill – Snatch Balance 5×2
3 R.F.T.
7 Overhead Squats – 125/83
20 Alternating One-Armed Dumbbell Snatch
50 Double-Unders
Did you do your taxes?
Strength/Skill – Snatch Balance 5×2
3 R.F.T.
7 Overhead Squats – 125/83
20 Alternating One-Armed Dumbbell Snatch
50 Double-Unders
CLOSED THANKSGIVING CLOSED THANKSGIVING CLOSED THANKSGIVING CLOSED THANKSGIVING FRIDAY 11/23 AM HOURS ONLY 6,7,8 & 9 A.M. ONLY. NO EVENING/PM CLASSES Skill – Strength – Partail/Rack Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3 90% of 1RM “The Colonel” 5 Sets of: AMRAP 3 Minutes 3 Shoulder to Overhead – 155/110 6 Burpees 9 Wallball – 20/14 – Rest One Minute…
Strength/Skill: Power Clean – 70%x1x3 Hang Clean – 75%x2x2 Clean – 80%x2x2, 85%x2x2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of: 8 Toes-to-bars 8 Dumbbell thrusters 45/35 12 Box Jumps 24/20
Monday 8 and 9am classes only! Warm up: 2rd at an easy pace 10 BB snatch grip push press 10 BB Below knee muscle snatch 10 BB Hang Power Snatch 5 Min EMOM 1 Snatch Balance + 2 OHS *start light and build* *treat this as a warm up for snatches 12 min EMOM –…
Neuromuscular Facilitation, also called muscle memory, is one of the most important factors in the adaptation of strength as an athlete, but more importantly as a novice. When we try new movements or activities, our brain sends a electrical impulse to activate the muscles needed. When this movement or pathway is unfamiliar, it is like…
10 min to complete 4×10 bent over BB row 4×12 Single Leg RDL (6 each leg, heavy if form is perfect) 4×12 Supine ring row 18 min AMRAP 7 Power Cleans 135/95 7 Lat burpee over bar 200m Run
Warm up: 2RDs at easy pace 10 BB Snatch Grip Deadlifts 10 BB Snatch Grip High Pulls 10 BB behind neck snatch grip push press 10 Reverse Hypers 12 min EMOM 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift + 1 Above Knee Hang Power Snatch + 1 Below Knee Hang Power Snatch *start @40% 1RM Power Snatch and…