Monday, 7-29-19
5 Min EMOM
8 Strict Press
*Stay light*
For time-
100′ Single Arm OH Walking Lunges 50/35
80 KBS 53/35
70 DB Snatch 50/35
60 T2B
50 Pull Up
400m Run
*25 min*
5 Min EMOM
8 Strict Press
*Stay light*
For time-
100′ Single Arm OH Walking Lunges 50/35
80 KBS 53/35
70 DB Snatch 50/35
60 T2B
50 Pull Up
400m Run
*25 min*
1,500 rep W.O.D. 10 Rounds for time: 100 Single Unders 10 Burpees 10 Sit ups 10 Push ups 10 KB Swings 10 Pull-ups
CHANGE IN SATURDAY AUG 18 SCHEDULE: 7 & 8 AM CLASSES ONLY. NO 9 & 10 AM CLASSES. Kryptonites own Phil A. demonstrates the nasty Burpee Hang Squat Clean Thruster!!!!!! Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Clean Thrusters 5-4-3-3-1…1 rep is 1 RM 5-4-3-2-1 Rope Ascents ( Legless ) Burpee Hang Squat Clean Thrusters 75% of 1…
Skill Work 5 RFT: 20 HR Push Up 40 Plank Shoulder Taps 600m Row *22 min Cap*
Saturday we have rope climbs. If your skills are not where you want them to get up the rope, Saturday is not the day to start. Incorporate rope climbing practice in your warm-up and/or cool down. Strength/Skill – Dumbell Snatches For time: Run 800m 21 Right arm dumbell snatches, 40# (25#) 21 Left arm dumbell…
Strength/Skill – Rope climb Five rounds for time: 15 Deadlifts, body weight 2 Rope climbs
Saturday we have rope climbs. If your skills are not where you want them to get up the rope, Saturday is not the day to start. Incorporate rope climbing practice in your warm-up and/or cool down. “Holleyman” 30 rounds for time of: 5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 3 Handstand push-ups 225 pound Power…