Monday, 8-12-13
Strength/Skill -3 RM Hang Power Clean (Nasty girls could be coming)
5 R.F.T.
21 S.D.H.P. 95/65
21 Ring dips
Strength/Skill -3 RM Hang Power Clean (Nasty girls could be coming)
5 R.F.T.
21 S.D.H.P. 95/65
21 Ring dips
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!! 7 YEARS – 10-15-2010 COWFISH @ 7PM. 7 RFT: 250m Row 15 Back Sq. 75/55 11 Pull-up 10 Push-up 1 Rope Climb
We will be watching the Open announcement Thursday at 8PM. During the 5 week Open, we will also be offering a 7 PM ROMWOD class. Anyone can participate. Bring a yoga mat. 5 min AMRAP D/U’s Thanks CrossFit Nutley for this one!! 30 MINUTES ON THE MINUTE ALTERNATING BETWEEN: 10 STRICT PRESS OR PUSH PRESS…
PARTNER WOD SATURDAY Strength/Skill – Snatch grip halting deadlifts 2-2-2-2-2 20 up and over box jumps 24/20… ….then 15-12-9-6-3 toes to bar 6-5-4-3-2 wall climbs
Strength/Skill – Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 21-15-9 reps of: 225/185 pound Deadlift 135/95 pound Overhead squat Post time to comments….show us what you have!!!
Strength/Skill – 100 double unders 60 kb swings 1.5/1 50 plate situps 45/25 40 wall balls 20/14 30 hang power cleans 95/65 20 sdhp 95/65 10 OHS 95/65 1 sled push 100/50 100 double unders
Deadlifts 5 X 10 @ 60% For Time: 4 rds- 10 Power Clean 135/95 10 HSPU 3 rds- 20 Wall ball 15 KBS 53/35 2rds- 7 Power Snatch 135/95 12 Box Jump 24″/20″ *Scale as needed*