Saturday, 3-16-19
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Rest 3 minutes
Then, 3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees
Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Rest 3 minutes
Then, 3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees
Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.
Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 5 Power Clean and Jerk 155/105 * UNBROKEN* **If you cannot do the RX weight scale to a weight for unbroken sets everytime* Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 3 Tempo Deadlifts tempo= X260 * Tempo pick the bar up at normal speed, 2 second…
Relay for Life is this Saturday, starts at noon. Please join us. 8 RFT- Run 200m 5 Front Squats 135/95 30 Double Unders Clean Pull 90% (of clean) x 3 x 2 95% x 3 x 2
Stan Wong 5K Saturday May 21st in E. Moriches. Don’t forget to sign up..Gym will be closed. Don’t forget to sign up for Murph….May 28th, followed by our annual BBQ. Phoenix Firefighter Brad Harper, 23, of Peoria, Arizona, died while on the scene of a two-alarm fire on May 19, 2013. Harper loved being a…
Competition next Saturday at CrossFit Impervious​. Kryptonite will be closed. Come support your team mates. Competition followed by a BBQ. If you plan on staying, please bring a side dish and BYOB. 3×3 Strict Press, climbing 3×3 Push Press, Start at top set SP For Time: 1 rd Bear Complex 135/95 50 Lunges 1 rd…
“Dork” 33 Front Squats, 185/125 15 Burpees 33 Deads, 185/125 15 Burpees 33 KBS, 70/53 15 Burpees Michael “Dork” Kennedy was a Boston Firefighter who lost his life on March 26th on duty. He was a CrossFit athlete and a coach at a Boston affiliate. He along with fellow firefighter Edward Walsh are in our…
PLEASE NOTE – From Wednesday, July 27th – Monday August 1st – Hours of operation are as follows: Mon Wed Fri 6 AM & 7AM classes only. Tues & Thurs, 6am only. All afternoons will not have 3 or 4 PM classes. 5 and 6 PM classes only. “Nancy” 5 R.F.T 400m run 15 O.H….